HAVen’t signed up to be an official host yet?

Thank you for being a dialogue circle host.

We look forward to hearing about your event. We encourage you to schedule it between now and June 1. Your event can be in-person or on Zoom.

You are joining many others in the important work of confronting the Doctrine of Discovery — starting with gathering your communities, learning about the Doctrine, and listening to Indigenous and Black movement leaders who have been resisting the results of the Doctrine for decades and whose communities have been resisting for centuries.

Note: we’ve changed our description of this event from “watch party” to “dialogue circle” as we move forward on this material and spiritual journey of repair. This ‘host kit’ is just the beginning of more resources, events, and opportunities for taking concrete action as we grapple with this legacy.

Your Support Materials:

  1. invitation Guide →

    This includes tips for organizing your event, and email templates you can borrow.


    This includes a sample agenda, discussion questions, and resources for further learning.

  3. link to transcript with timestamps

    Check back here on April 19 to download your transcript!

An Historic Reckoning: Movement Leaders Respond

You may view this here, or click the “YouTube” button and watch from YouTube.


On March 30, 2023, the Vatican issued a repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery, a collection of 15th-century papal bulls that supported the invasion and capture of non-Christian lands, and the genocide and enslavement of non-Christian people. The repudiation follows decades of activism by Indigenous nations, Black liberation movements, and their allies around the world.

In this special event, we invite movement partners to discuss what this historic moment means (and doesn’t mean) for them, their communities, and the world. You'll also hear briefly from the N&N Land Justice team about how this moment connects to decisions about land and wealth, and where we can all go from here to create the true "Change of Era" that Pope Francis speaks of.

Our guests:

-- Pat McCabe, Diné (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international speaker

-- Çaca Yvaire, Atakapa Ishak, Kréyòl, and Black territorial scholar-artist, and the Community Conservation Co-Director with the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust

-- Tela Troge (Shinnecock), Tribal lawyer and co-founder of the Shinnecock Kelp Farmers and Warriors of the Sunrise

-- Michelle Schenandoah (Oneida), Founder of Rematriation; presented as a spiritual advisor to the Pope in the First Nations Delegation at the Vatican that prompted his apology regarding Indian Residential Schools

What’s next?

We are building our group of hosts, organizers, and others who wish to catalyze their communities to confront the Doctrine of Discovery and move towards action in solidarity with Indigenous and Black sovereignty movements. In the coming weeks and months, we will bring you more resources and events (through us and through our movement partners), as well as gatherings just for hosts and organizers of this work. Stay tuned, and keep in touch!

And if you haven’t officially signed up as a host or organizer: